Thursday, April 17, 2014

Where Did Blue Eyes Originate From?

Studies carried out by scientists from the Institute of Forensic Genetics at the University of Copenhagen have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor, someone who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago near the area by the Black sea.

Researchers analyzed and compared the unique genetic make-up of the chromosomes in the iris from 155 blue-eyed individuals from diverse regions such as Denmark, Turkey and Jordan.
All of the subjects that participated in the study had the exact same genetic "mutations" in specific chromosomes of the eye with very little variation on the genes, indicating that the "mutation" responsible for blue-eyes first arose and spread relatively recently. (Source: )

Scientists conclude that this blue-eyed family spread out from an area north of the Black Sea following the last ice age.  These people were among the proto-Indo-European Aryans who subsequently spread agriculture into western Europe and later rode horses into Iran and India, explains Professor Hans Eiberg of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen.

Blue eyes are a recessive trait, and the gene must be inherited from both parents. (Green eyes involve a related but different gene that is recessive to brown but dominant to blue.) 

Following the ending of the last Ice Age, many Europeans inherited this rare gene associated with blue-eyed people that differentiated them from the rest of the human races.

Indeed, it appears that the elite and nobility that organized the earliest known agricultural civilizations all shared this trait, seemingly coming from the same bloodline.

When we look to ancient Egypt, arguably one of the world's oldest known civilizations, we find many blonde and fair-haired mummies.  Since WW2, western academia backed and lobbied by politically motivated forces at the United Nations has pushed for a Marxist inspired multicultural view of history, which has ignored archeological evidence in favor of political correctness.  However well intentioned, this false perspective has cast much confusion over human origins: Who we are and how we came to be.

Another one of the oldest documented civilizations, credited with having the first writing, schools, courts, and many other "firsts" were the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. The ancient Sumerians thought that blue eyes were a sign of the gods. The Sumerian nobility were blue eyed and fair haired, as most of their busts show.

These blue eyed statues (pictured below) are of Sumerians from the early/mid 3rd millennium BC. ''...they (the Sumerians) certainly belong to the same racial division of mankind as the nations of Europe, they are scions of the Caucasian stock’’ - Arthur Keith (quoted in Ur Excavations, 1927)

Gautama Buddha's physical body is traditionally regarded as having the "Thirty-two Characteristics of a Great Man". These 32 characteristics are described throughout the Pali Canon, and are also regarded as being present in Cakravartin kings as well. #29 on this ancient list is "Eyes deep blue".

Two thousand years ago a mysterious and little known civilization, with a blue-eyed elite, ruled the northern coast of Peru. Its people were called the Moche. They built huge pyramids that still dominate the surrounding countryside; some well over a hundred feet tall.

Archeologists working at Peru's Huaca Pucllana ruins recently pulled a blue-eyed mummy from an ancient tomb thought to be from the ancient Wari culture that flourished before the Incas. Piercing blue eyes undimmed by the passing of 1,300 years, this is the "Lady of the Mask" – a mummy with striking blue eyes, whose discovery could reveal the secrets of a lost culture at the Huaca Pucllana Pyramid located in Lima, Peru. It is the first time a tomb from the region’s Wari culture has been discovered intact and gives historians the chance to learn about the ancient pre-Incan civilizations.

The Lord of Sipán's tomb (pictured below) is held by some archaeologists to be one of the most important archaeological discoveries in this region of the world in the last 30 years, as the main tomb was found intact and untouched by thieves.

He was called Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal. He and in some cases his ‘men’ were described as being tall, bearded, with white skin, and beautiful emerald blue eyes. Fray Juan Torquemada, the Franciscan missioner, who collected traditions about Quetzalcoatl from the natives of Old Mexico, says: “Quetzalcoatl had blonde hair, and wore a black robe sewn with little crosses of red color.”  (Image below published by the Secretary of Education, Mexico)

Scientists stress that the genetic variation, as the press release puts it, is "neither a positive nor a negative" trait. That's a bit disingenuous, as the mutation also produces greater instance of blond hair (sexually selected for even today) and fair skin, which confers a survival advantage by stimulating greater production of vitamin D in sun-starved northern European countries near the arctic circle - where blue eyes are still most prevalent.

Ninety-five percent of Europeans in Scandinavian countries have blue eyes. They are also found to have a greater range of hair and skin color. Comparatively, Europe has a wider variety of hair color and skin pigment than is found in any other continent in the world.

These "mutations" are relatively recent as Europe was colonized only a few thousand years ago, say mainstream scientists. Through interbreeding, the brunette with blue eyes (Neanderthal-type) was evidenced about 35,000- 25,000 years ago by invading Cro magnon types from the Atlantic (Tall, RH negative blood type, Solutrean tool kit). 

“The question really is, ‘Why did we go from having nobody on Earth (known) with blue eyes 10,000 years ago to having 20 or 40 percent of Europeans having blue eyes now?”

John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin-Madison said. “This gene does something good for people. It makes them have more kids.” In contrast, most mammals on earth share the "normal" form of the gene. The six-letter sequence is exactly the same among mice, horses, cows, rats, dogs, cats, monkeys, chimpanzees and humans with brown eyes. (No word on what gives Siberian huskies and Siamese cats blue eyes.)

Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten Past

Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten Past

Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and independent anthropologist.
Thank you for your support!


  1. I have read this with great curiosity ..where the hell do I originate from?? a blue eyed red head..would love the to hear your theories.

  2. Replies
    1. Cro Magnon people, most times green (more seldom also blue or yellow or brown) eyes,
      round or broad heads, broad shoulders and broad hips.
      You can find this by the Baque people in Nothern Spain and Southern France, in Ireland and SCotland and Wales and Cornwall, in Britanny or Bretagne in France, in German WEstphalia and also in parts of Eurasia and Morocco whereever Megalithic Culture and Megaliths were.

      This Cro Magnon workshipped the three faced mother goddess or great Earth Mother.

      The Cro Magnon also were called Faelic people (Wesphalia and Bretagne), Iberomaurusians (Morocco), Early Proto Basques and Megalithic Culture.
      They were the first settlers on the British Isles during and after the Ice Age.
      The Basques and Irish still represent this Anthropologic type of first European, North African and Middle East people after the Neanderthals and beside the Xhosa (a Black people with non negrid faces).
      In Spain they found a blue Eyed Cro Magnon with black hair and dark skin.

  3. What about blonde/red hair and grey eyes? Where do they fit in?

  4. I have dark blue eyes and Auburn.

  5. I believe that Hazel eyes result from a mixed ancestry.

  6. Well it says both parents must have blue eyes to have blue child, but my mother had coal black eyes and my father dark blue and mine are a pale grayish blue

    1. That means your mother would likely have been heterozygous Black and blue, while father was homozygous blue blue. You ran a 50% chance of having blue eyes...:)

    2. Both parents must have the Gene not necessarily blue eyes themselves

  7. No it says both parents must have the blue eyrd genes. My son has blonde hair, blue eyes but neither me nor my husband have blonde hair or blue eyes. My dad has blonde hair blue eyes and fair skin so we figure that's where he gets it from. My husbands mom also had blue eyes. So there is a blue eyed gene on both sides.

    1. In order for a child be born with blue eyes, both parents must carry to blue eye gene. Does not mean the parents themselves have to have blue eyes. The child must have a grandparent on both sides to have boue eye.

  8. My Grandpa was Cherokee he had dark hair and brown eyes my Grandma had green eyes and was scottish how did my Mom get blue eyes?

  9. After the last Ice Age, ice melted off Northern-Europe before melting off the mountain tops in Southern-Europe; the Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, and Urals, all remained topped-off and thus blocking access to Northern-Europe by the remaining glaciers - nobody was living in Northern-Europe then. How did these blue-eyed people suddenly show up in Northern-Europe, when they never existed in 100s of 1000s of years anywhere before then on earth? They either were not from this earth, aliens, or, were genetically engineered by aliens (perhaps God) and specifically engineered to be different than other humans - for obvious reasons. Yes, near the Black Sea, on the Northern Side of the Caucuses, in Caucasia.

  10. I'm brown eyed male what are the origins for us men and women likeness?

  11. "Legendary Pre-Flood Civilizations" Read this to back up that claim....

  12. The Cro-Magnons happened to survive the end of ice-age north of the ice-covered Alps and Pyrrenees - due to the open lands around the steady passage of the Gulfstream. At that time the warm water of that "ocean-river" (Ptolemy) would pass across todays Frisland and Slesia - connecting the English Channel to the Baltic Ocean. After the last warm-periods (Billeroed and Alleroed) the glaciers of the Scandinavian mountain-ridge collapsed, sending ice-lobes into the North Sea, to drift ashore of Frisland, Slesia and western Jutland where it melted down and left thousands of tons of Scandinavian stones, sand and silt. As the ice disappeared and the land rose todays landmass along Europes northern west-coast (northern Holland, northwest Germany and westcoast Denmark) would appear.

    During this crucial time of change - as the Eurasian ice-time ended - the Cro-Magnons managed to survive in the proximity of the Gulf-stream as it crossed south of todays Jutland (Denmark). Consequently we can trace the Cro-magnons occupying the old coast-lines of NW Germany and the large isles to the north and west - as todays Denmak. In modern archaeology these ice-time survivors are identified as the cultures of "Ahrensburg" and "Bromme-Lyngby" and it's today proven that theese very small groups of people indeed did survive the worst periods of the entire ice-time - around the straigths between the North Sea and the Western Baltics.

    As the genetics of ice-time Europe and Asia has been revealed we can today be sure about the fact that the ice-age Cro.Magnon people did produce the forfathers to the present-day Eurasians. As of lately we have even been informed that the present scandinavians, finns and balts seem to have the most close or 'direct' ancestry from the paleolithic people that roamed the entire span of northern (arctic) Eurasia already 45.000 years ago,,,

    No ufos needed - or recommended...

  13. I was born with bright ultramarine blue eyes. It changed t blue-green. I am blonde. My mom said that doctors and nurses were coming to see my eyes while i was in hospital after birth....she said she never saw anyone with eyes that color...

    1. My Dad had bright blue eyes. My Mother has Hazel eyes. I'm dominantly (most days) with blue eyes. And depending on what I'm wearing they can be a very bright blue. However, there are days when my eyes are as Hazel as you've ever seen. I must be some kind of Chameleon, as the color of my clothing can and does influence what color my eyes will be on any given day. If I wear green or brown clothing (or a dukes mixture of both) my eyes will almost always be Hazel (99% of the time), but not always. I've had days when my eyes started off as blue as the sky, only to turn Hazel at some point during the day. And I would have never had known this fact had someone else not noticed this that I worked with years ago when I was a teenager. And to this day my eyes can start off the day as blue as can be, only to end up Hazel at the end of the day? Ya think this is rare? Or just weird? LOL

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. and I'm one of those :-) blue eyes , red hair 9at least when i was younger..hihi) and had my DNA checked, my ancestors lived 18.000 years ago at black sea, 3500BCE Viking so connected to Ukraine more ways..

    1. Are the Vikings originally from the Black Sea? I'm blonde headed, blue eyes, and fair skin. Very healthy skin. I was told my ancestors are Vikings so I was curious

    2. found my familyline through DNA analysis and could connect it with familytree going back to 1100

  15. I don't need theory's or explanations to know who the dominant race is. Its obvious! I'm blonde and blue

  16. I have blue eyes and dark brown hair with pale skin just like my parents. People often stare at me which can be a bit unnerving, I am often asked if I wear contact lenses? I am also regularly asked if I am Irish, anyone know why they ask this. I am from Yorkshire and this goes back to the 1600's and can find no conection to Ireland or scotland
